7 Steps to learn content writing from scratch

If you want to learn content writing from scratch then I will tell you the exact process and the seven steps to follow to improve your writing skills for free.

How to learn content writing is one of the most challenging and easy questions at the same time. It needs a lot of hard work and patience to know content writing. Here I will explain to you how you can learn content writing from scratch.

examples of content writing
Learn content writing from scratch

In this post, we break it into seven easy ways to learn content writing. What is a content writer, or who is a content writer?

An introduction to content

If we talk about what is content, then we can define it in such a way that content is something that we read, or watch, or listen to. We can consume content in any form such as written content, video content, or audio content.

What we are going to discuss today is mainly about the written content.

StepDescriptionAction Items/Tools
1. Understand BasicsFamiliarize yourself with what content writing is (SEO, blogs, articles, web copy, etc.).– Research basic content writing principles (HubSpot, Copyblogger).
– Understand writing styles.
2. Improve Language SkillsPolish your grammar, vocabulary, and writing fluency.– Use tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAid for grammar check.
– Read high-quality content regularly.
3. Choose Your NicheDecide on a specific niche or industry to specialize in (tech, lifestyle, travel, etc.).– Explore different niches and choose one based on your interest or market demand.
4. Learn SEO BasicsSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) helps content rank on search engines. Learn keywords, meta tags.– Study SEO using resources like Moz or Neil Patel’s blog.
– Use tools like Google Keyword Planner.
5. Practice WritingWrite regularly to hone your skills. Start by writing blogs, articles, or social media posts.– Start a personal blog (WordPress, Medium).
– Write for friends, small businesses, or freelancing sites.
6. Understand FormattingLearn to format articles with headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images to improve readability.– Practice using H1, H2, etc.
– Use tools like Hemingway App to ensure your content is easy to read.
7. Study Content Writing StylesAnalyze how different types of content (blogs, case studies, white papers) are written.– Read content on platforms like HubSpot, Medium, and industry-specific blogs.
– Focus on tone, voice, and structure.
8. Get FeedbackPeer reviews or feedback from experienced writers can help improve your writing.– Join content writing communities on platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, or Facebook groups.
9. Learn from ExpertsFollow industry influencers and content marketers to stay updated on trends and techniques.– Subscribe to newsletters like Copyhackers or blogs by Neil Patel or Brian Dean.
10. Build a PortfolioCreate a portfolio showcasing your best work to attract clients or employers.– Use platforms like Clippings.me or Journo Portfolio to showcase your work.

Types of content writing

Before jumping to our topic let’s find out how many types of content writing is there.

Blog post

Blog post writing is a little tricky as you have to keep two things in your mind always and those are your readers and the search engine. Whenever you write a blog post, you always have to write keeping in mind the search engine and your reader. Because if either of the two did not like your posted article then all your hard work will be in vain. The first and biggest lesson in writing a blog post is that it takes special attention to keywords and optimizes the contact around your keyboard.


Writing your website copy, product descriptions, sales collateral, advertisements, and focusing on traditional print media and infographics are all examples of copywriting.

Technical Writing

In technical writing, you need a lot of product or service knowledge in addition to writing skills. Technical writing cannot be done by any ordinary content writer. Technical writing is done by people who are experts in that field or have a lot of knowledge. For example, if we write about the engine of a car, then the person writing it should know about the engine of the car and that too well.

Social Media Posts

Social media platforms are booming and you can not avoid them if you want to make your presence felt. Social media post writing is slightly different from normal content writing. However, if a content writer wants, then one can easily learn to write posts on social media that will attract other people.

Career As a content writer

If you are troubled by thinking about that Career as a content writer, let me tell you that this is a field with no limit. This means that if you kept on improving your writing skills and at the same time gained a lot of knowledge about your niche, then you can earn thousands of millions of dollars a month from this field. Whether it is by freelancing or from your blog or by doing a job somewhere.

Equipment needed to establish yourself as a content writer

If you want to contact on you, then you will not have to do many investments in this like other professions. Nowadays mobile and internet have become a very common thing, if you want, you can read, learn and write things from your mobile itself.

How to learn content writing and become a content writer

Before I tell you how to learn content writing at home, let’s find out what is content writing and how it is different from normal writing. If you are wondering about content writing and want to view content writing examples then this blog post is the best example.

Content writing has become a career these days, but it is not new; instead, it is one of the oldest jobs in the modern world.

Content is communication in a variety of ways. A content writer is one who develops original content that is understandable to others while not being stereotyped. 

If you have a blog or write something on a Facebook page, you are a content writer. Becoming a content writer is not as easy as it sounds. It needs a lot of patience and hard work.

A professional content writer researches a given topic, compiles information, and writes an article. This document can include discussions, data, figures, predictions, or ideas.

Digital marketing has made many changes in traditional writing. Content writing has evolved, and now it’s not only writing content but also taking care of its associates.

Unlike other professions, some tools can help you but creating automated content or article spinners is yet successful. The human touch is still ruling in the content writing industry, unlike another drive, which is fast-moving towards machine learning, AI, or deep learning.

So the author must develop the article to attract people’s attention and engage them.

With the advent of content writing, the first field could be a content writer in digital markets – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are impressive platforms to start or share your work.

Freelance, blogger, author, and old content writer, NGO’s content writing are good options. If you have the technical knowledge or a degree, you can work as a professional content writer, social media writer. If you like stories, you can take news article writing, writing activities, and much more.

You will need to have the writing skills recommended for these activities, and you should also learn how to learn content writing.

Your article should attract people at first glance and should make them read it through the end.

So here are the steps to learn Content Writing

Write more 

“Practice makes a man perfect”: A famous quote.

This sounds like a cliché, but you can’t ignore it. If you want to be a successful content writer, you have to write every day.  It can be anywhere and on any topic. It will improve your writing skills and boost your confidence. 

You can write on Quora, Medium, other social media platforms, or in your diary. The more you write, the closer you get to your goal. It will also enhance your vocabulary.

Set a target to write every day. E.g. I write at least 500 words every day on any platform. I have a full-time job. If I don’t have time, I spend the night writing, but I never miss it.

I will suggest you write on Quora, Medium, Reddit, and sites where knowledge sharing occurs. You also can use tools like INK, Hemingway, or any other to write and store it. To know about the writing tools, you can refer to my other post.

Read, Read and Read

The most important step to learn content writing is to read. Yes, reading gives you an idea of how top writers are writing.

The mantra for success is reading a lot, subscribing to the online forums, and reading the posts. Read it loudly so that you can hear your voice.

Improve your language skills

Work continuously on grammar and vocabulary, no matter which language you choose to write your content. 

They say that if you read 1000 pages, you will be able to write 100 pages. So read newspapers and blogs of your niche.

Spend at least an hour each day developing your language skills. This will pay you back on time.

Be careful about the subject

There are millions of subjects to produce content on. You need to find your takers carefully, and you cannot write or make a video about everything. 

There has to be something that you specialize in or is something that interests you. That is the area you need to work in.

Steps to learn Content Writing
Steps to learn Content Writing

Start your website

Just as it is difficult to imagine a doctor without his stethoscope, it is difficult to imagine a content writer without his website. 

Your website is your first portfolio to showcase your resume. It helps not only to find customers but also to build your technical skills.

There are many free blogging platforms; as an amateur, you can always go for them. If you do not want to spend money, then from thousands of similar platforms where you can create your website for free such as Blogspot, WordPress, Wix etc.

You can read our article on how to start a blog for more information.

Sign up for a short course

There are many courses available online at reasonable prices. Do not go to expensive classes that want to give you more certificates. You can learn content writing online by joining a small-time course.

Trust me; no one cares about your certificate; not a single company has asked for a certificate so far. Just get the right information, and that’s enough. And just FYI, a content writing course from IIM Skills can be helpful.

You also can enrol yourself in Udemy or any online course. Check before you register and complete it in time. Usually, they provide you with some videos; you can watch them until you get the full juice out of them.

These days, content marketing is more accessible than content writing. No one wants well-written content, but that is based on the fourth page of Google search. 

And for that, you need to learn the basics of digital marketing. If you plan to work as a freelancer, sign up for Google Business so clients can find you. Manage your social media, directly and indirectly, to promote your content.

 Get closer to employers/clients

Once you have completed your portfolio, start applying for jobs on LinkedIn, Naukri, etc. If you want to redo things, there are many platforms like Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork, etc. 

You may find it difficult to break into the first few deals, but once they are gone, nothing can stop you. And if you are struggling to get the first contract, go for internships. The internship may not give you a lot of leadership, but it will provide you with a solid portfolio and experience.

You can also join content writer groups on social networking sites where people often post their jobs. You can grab the opportunity right from there.

Be patient 

If you follow all the above, then relax and wait for your turn, which is about to come. Never compromise on any of the above, as these are the basic things every content writer should follow.

Take the time to build your portfolio because employers do not get impressed unless you have a detailed and well-written portfolio.

Choose your niche

Many content writers think that writers have no niche but it is not so. It is very important for you to have knowledge about any one particular subject if you really want to do something good in this field. Your interest will help you the most in this.

If you have a special interest in something, then you can do more and more research about that thing so that when you get a chance to write an article in this subject, then you can write that article very well so that your readers and May both of your clients be happy.

Your content should always cover very deeply. The reader should never feel that you have written a half-finished article. Suppose if you are writing an article about the engine of a car, then lest you just write how the engine works and leave it. In it, you cover all the things like how the engine is made, why the engine gets damaged, how to repair it, what are its components are and much more.

Books on Content writing

Reading is a good habit and if you want to read and learn more about contact writing, then we are recommending some books which will help you in your contact writing journey.

Conclusion in steps to learn Content Writing

These are seven easy steps that you can follow to become a content writer but remember it is your hard work and patience that makes it easy.

If you want to know how to learn content writing online for free, then you can explore free courses on Youtube. If you need any help regarding your content writing journey then you can write to us with your question and we will try to help you.

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