Audit your blog Manually like a Pro in 2022

These steps will help you Audit your blog Manually for free without the help of any paid tool.

Auditing your blog or website regularly is a good practice and will make your website error-free and more SEO-friendly.

Some online tools can perform the task for you, but they are mostly paid services or have limited options in the free version.

The best alternative is to audit your blog manually if your blog or website doesn’t have a massive number of pages. If it has more pages that are hard to manage automatically, you can opt for the paid ones.

There are some paid tools like Ahrefs Webmaster, Semrush, Ubersuggest, Moz or Screaming Frog.

audit your blog Manually


On-page SEO checklists to Audit your blog Manually

  • Keyword research regularly and updating trending keywords. Use Google search console to find out the keywords your content is already ranking for.
  • Your primary keywords included in the title tag, H2, and URL.
  • Primary keywords are included in the meta description.
  • The title tag is less than 70 characters, and if more, then edit it and keep it under 70.
  • A meta description is under 155 characters, and this includes space and punctuations.
  • Keywords are used in the main content and mostly in the first 200 words.
  • primary keyword used in the the middle of content and make sure the primary keyword is present in the last paragraph.
  • Keyword density is 2% to 3%, which means the total number of keywords is 2% or 3% of the total word count. Dont force your keyword and use related keyword to rank your post higher.
  • Optimizing the readability of content, which means your sentences are not hard to understand. You can take the help of some free software like the INK app or Hemingway online web app.
  • Keeps your paragraphs short as long paragraphs makes it to difficult to read.
  • Build internal links: Link your posts internally. The internal links that are inside the content with a anchor text is always better than putting internal links in the ‘Read More’ section.
  • Use of semantic keywords: Using semantic or LSI keywords is necessary as search bots decide your post subject by connecting your primary keywords to LSI.
  • Check if all the images have Alt text. Try to use LSI keywords for the Alt text.
  • The site should be mobile-friendly, which means it should function properly, and the layout should be mobile-friendly.
  • The site should be responsive on desktop and mobile. That means the text, images, and animations should get adjusted according to screen size.
  • Check if there are any broken links in your blog. For this one, you can take a free Chrome extension called ‘check my links.’
  • Content sharing on social media channels gives Google a social signal.
  • Build external links: If you have links pointing to your particular page or post.
  • Proper UTM links for tracking in Google Analytics, search console, and Google tag manager.
  • Page load speed: check your page speed with Google devloper tool and GTmatrix.


These key points will help you audit your blog manually and for free. Auditing your content will help you rank better thus will bring more traffic.

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