How To Start A Blog In India Easily In 2022

In this post, I will guide you on how to start a blog in India step by step and be successful in minimum time. I will also tell you how to earn money from your blog because that is the ultimate goal of every user who starts blogging and devotes so much time to it.

India had 302 million internet users in 2015, which is now stands at 761.29 million and projected to touch almost one billion by 2025.

How To Start A Blog In India
How To Start A Blog In India | Image source:

So the bottom line is with the number of increasing users, the number of people consuming information also increasing. People are searching for everything under the sun online.

Key Steps In How To Start a Blog In India :

  1. Explore your area of interest.
  2. Choose a niche based on it.
  3. Choose a platform ( Blogger / WordPress).
  4. Connect a domain to your blog.
  5. Post your content.
  6. Promote your blog and be patient.
  7. Use Adsense or another network for earning.
  8. Be consistent.

Exploring your area of interest :

Exploring the area of interest is crucial to start a new blog in India. Do a lot of research and reading before you start. Explore yourself, your idea, and your way of life.

This is important because you cannot write about something you don’t have an interest in. So keep exploring and improving yourself. To know yourself interested is the essential thing in this career.

No one is an expert in everything but the hunger for learning is going to help. You need to have a keen interest in that topic to do deep research and analysis.

It is always better to start with a micro-niche blog as it is easy to rank and you need less authority to rank on the first page of the search result.

Choose a niche :

Picking a niche or subject is quite possibly the most significant stride in contributing to a blog and the most important part start a blog in India or anywhere. Choose a niche that excites you and motivates you to learn new things every day.

Niche is nothing more than an area of interest.

Don’t aimlessly pick a niche that does not excite you cause you will end up gaining nothing from it. This is not a supportable methodology. Pick some unacceptable speciality, and you are now out of the game.

You will wind up burning through such an extensive amount of your time in vain. Your thing ought to mix your advantage (supposed enthusiasm) and ought to have the actual money-related worth. You can’t show something which you haven’t attempted or experienced yourself.

If you do, individuals would immediately recognize that. Also, you don’t need that on the off chance that you need to be a fruitful blogger.

So choose your niche wisely cause at the end of the day everyone wants to be successful and no one likes to fail. But there is a thin line that separates successful people from failed people and that is lack of planning.

How To Start A Blog In India In 2021
How To Start A Blog In India

If you are starting a new blog then micro-niche blogs are best as they are easy to rank faster than broad niche blogs. You can read our micro-niche blog ideas guide to find out a perfect niche for you.

Choose a platform :

The most common platforms in India are WordPress and Blogger. Picking where to start the blog is perhaps the primary choice before publishing content to a blog. Every platform has its own advantages and disadvantages.

You have to look into both before choosing one. Choose the platforms that really suit you.

I personally know many bloggers who half-heartedly start their blog on a platform that does not suit them and then they had to shift to another platform. Shifting is never easy and convenient whatever the condition is.

So let’s discuss some popular platforms where you can start your blog and their key points.


WordPress is one of the best CMS available and the most used too. It is likewise to use one of the most excellent writing for a blog stage on the planet, with innumerable modules and additional items. You can again look over a broad scope of plans and formats for your blog.


  • WordPress is super easy to use.
  • You get a lot of customization options as there are millions of free and paid themes available for WordPress.
  • You don’t need coding knowledge as for most of the jobs you will find a dedicated plugin.
  • SEO friendly.


  • You need to buy a domain and hosting for your website.
  • Cant handle a lot of traffic if your hosting is not powerful.


Blogger Is another platform to start your blog and it is completely free. It is the second most used platform after WordPress for Bloggers.


  • You don’t need to buy a domain and hosting for Blogger unless you want your custom domain.
  • There is almost zero downtime as blogs are hosted at Google servers and can handle a large number of visitors.


  • There is a little customization option as there are very few themes available as compared to WordPress.
  • You need to have little knowledge of coding at least to customize and even make some general changes in your blog.
  • As far as SEO is concerned, it is less SEO-friendly than WordPress.


Tumblr is another great platform to start your own blog. The biggest advantage of opening a Tumblr blog is it’s free. Also you there are many users on Tumblr itself who will read your blog and may follow you.


Many bloggers, particularly the ones in movement, food, design, and way of living space, start their writing for a blog vocation by making an Instagram profile. It is probably the most straightforward approach to begin and test waters. Whenever you have constructed your underlying adherent base, you would then move to a more nitty-gritty blog.

How To Start A Blog In India
How To Start A Blog In India

Connect a domain to your blog :

If you want to do blogging with utmost liberty then you need a domain and hosting. There are many free options but almost all provide subdomain rather than domains.

Choosing your domain name can be tricky sometimes. You can start a blog with any domain name but choosing a perfect TLD (top-level domain) is essential.

There are other limitations to free platforms also like you can not add plugins, there are limited themes available, and more.

While on WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, and other comparative stages, you can begin publishing content to a blog for nothing; they do accompany disadvantages. You can’t wholly adapt free online journals. You can likewise not transfer every one of the recordings and pictures you would need to impart to your perusers.

A self-facilitated blog, then again, we should you be the genuine proprietor of your blog. You can pick any blog name you like. It very well maybe your “” or “”.

You can likewise decide to end it with .com,, .in, net, .organization, or some other web addition. A .com area expansion ought to be generally liked; however, .net or .organization functions admirably as well.

Presently if you think self-facilitating and the ideal space name will beg to be spent, reconsider! It can cost you just $5 or Rs. 250 every month. Likewise, you can enlist your space name, which can cost around $10 or Rs.500 each year, and use it to divert it to your free blog.

Some popular and best hosting for blogs to consider:

  1. GoDaddy
  2. Dreamhost
  3. Hostinger
  4. WP engine
  5. Bluehost
  6. Hostgator
  7. A2hosting
  8. Siteground
  9. Cloudways

You can also try new hostings like Sparrowhost that offers hosting at a low price or others to get a really low price offer. It offers shared hosting for 600 Rupees for one year.

If you are sure that you want to start a WordPress blog, you can opt for WordPress hosting rather than shared hosting. You will get some additional benefits in WordPress hosting.

Keep in mind that hosting is very crucial for blogging. If your website remains down or gets slow then it might affect your ranking.

Do research and post your content

How To Start A Blog In India

You can either post your creative content, which is ideal for the long run, or you can hire writers to do your work. You need to do on-page and off-page SEO for your blog post.

SEO is an ever-evolving thing and you need to keep yourself updated to grow your blog.

You can invite guest writers or paid writers for this work. Make sure the content is SEO optimized and is 100% unique. Avoid content with plagiarism or copied content.

Do your proper keyword research before writing the content. Proper keyword research is the key step for a blog’s success. Choose your keywords wisely and initially, I will advise you to go for long-tail keywords with less search volume. You can use keyword tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, Ubersuggest or any other tool to help you do keyword research in your niche.

I have a detailed guide where I have described how to do keyword research manually without any tools and without spending a single penny.

Here are some

  • Keyword Surfer
  • AnswerThePublic
  • AnswerTheSocrates
  • Keyword Sheeter
  • Keyworddit
  • QuestionDB
  • Ahrefs Keyword Generator
  • SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
  • Ubersuggest (3 keywords per day)
  • Soovle
  • Keyword Tool Dominator
  • Google Trends

Even social media like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and forums like Quora are helpful in doing Keyword research.

Update your content regularly with new information. This step helps your blog rank better. Google loves updated content and not updating your content for a long time may make it outdated.

Promote your blog and be patient :

Since we have gone through the underlying strides of publishing content to a blog in India, the following thing that needs immediate consideration is expanding traffic and building an after. A fruitful blog isn’t simply made out of an extraordinary composition.

It needs a similarly effective advertising plan as well! Creating traffic and ensuring your blog contacts the right crowd is significant. Here are the means by which you can go about it.

Make your quality felt.

Remark on different websites and stay dynamic via web-based media stages and gatherings. This can help fundamentally in carrying traffic to your blog.

SEO (Web optimization)

Be aware that your blog is search engine-oriented. You can do as such by utilizing basic hunt inquiries all through your composition.

This way, your blog will show up on the highest point of web search tool result pages, and more individuals will probably peruse your posts. You can utilize Google Examination or some other traffic measurements programming to screen this traffic.

Turning into a guest blogger

These are articles you can compose for some blog/sites other than your own. These visitor presents will interface back on your blog and will assist you with getting perceived by more current perusers. It will likewise better your odds of showing up on a web index. Composing visitor posts is an extraordinary method to take advantage of more current crowds.

Be patient

Being patient is the key. You cannot earn your dream in a single night. For some, it might take few days, for some a few months and years. Never lose hope and keep trying.

Using Adsense or another network for earning.

This is a particular shot method to bring in cash out of a blog. When your blog is creating a good measure of traffic, you can begin coordinating advertisements on to it.

How To Start A Blog In India

Publicists will straightforwardly reach out to you if there should be an occurrence of direct advertisements, saving you the expense of a middle person. You will be paid a commission each time your peruser taps on an ad.

You can decide to charge these promoters on either a week-by-week or month-to-month premise. Google AdSense, BuySellAds, TribalFusion, and BlogAds are a portion of the publicizing networks which you can use to adapt your blog.

As a blogger, you may be enticed to telecommute at first however, working from a collaborating restaurant is the best choice you can make. New businesses like my HQ give you admittance to numerous restaurants and coffeehouses that will keep your sound and your inventiveness streaming.

It is the ideal combination of expert and easygoing, and you get all work basics like free quick wifi, writing material, agreeable seats with plug focus, and then some. Envision constructing your blog from an adaptable, easygoing climate while you network with similar experts!

There are several other ways to monetize your blog other than Ad networks. You can also do affiliate marketing with your blog.

Affiliate is one of the most preferred ways to earn money from blogs and even sometimes you may earn more than Ad networks.

Wrapping Up How To Start A Blog In India

These are some simple steps to how to start a blog and make money in India. You can choose blogging platforms in India as per your budget and need. You can choose the language for a blog as per user and topic.

You can start your blog in any language like English, Hindi, or any regional language. But I will suggest you start your blog in English or Hindi as you will get a wide range of audiences for these languages.

FAQs How To Start A Blog In India

How much does it cost to start a blog in India?

It depends on the size and platform. You can start with zero investment on the Blogger platform, but I will advise you to buy a hosting and domain. A custom domain gives you more advantages over a free platform like Blogger or

How much does a blogger earn in India?

It depends on your niche and traffic. You can earn multiple lakhs even, but you need to devotee a lot of time and effort. And the most important thing is keeping your patience intact.

How do Indian blogs make money for beginners?

There are multiple platforms to earn from your blog. You can earn from different Ads platforms like Adsense, Ezoic, A-ads, Propeller Ads, MediaNet, Adthrive, etc. You can also earn from affiliate marketing.

Do bloggers make money?

Yes, bloggers earn money from their blogs. You can learn from the post how to start a blog In India and start earning money.

How can I make $1000 a month blogging?

If we calculate an Ideal condition to earn $1000 in a month, you need to earn $35 every day. If we calculate that you want to earn this amount from AdSense, then the average CPM is $5 ($5 for 1000 views). Then you need 7000 views per day to earn $35 per day and 210000 users on your website every month.

How To Start A Blog In India?

In the above post, I have described in detail how To Start A Blog In India.

which language is best for blogging in India?

Every language has its own user base but English is best for blogging as it can make you go global. But if you are not comfortable with English then the second-best option is Hindi as it has a good user base in India.