Google Search Tricks for Fun and Better results | How to search on Google effectively

Every day people search billions of keywords on Google and these Google search tricks will make your search more fun and even make your search more easy and specific. This is how to search on Google effectively.

how to search on google effectively

In our previous post, we described How to reverse Google search an image easily to know who is using your images without your permission or to find a better size of an existing image.

Google Search Tricks for Fun

Google Gravity

This is a very entertaining Google trick. Google’s icons will be completely inverted if you use this. To use this trick, go to the Google homepage and search for Google Gravity. Following that, you must tap on the I’m Feeling Lucky button that appears. This will cause Google’s page to change and everything to fall to the bottom.

Google Search Tricks
Google Search Tricks

Barrel Roll Google Search Tricks

To use Barrel Roll, go to the Google homepage and type do a barrel roll there. When you finish typing and click the search button, the Google homepage will rotate. Yes, you can rotate the Google home page 2, 10, 20, or even 100 times using this trick. Try it once and see what happens.

Thanos Google Search Tricks

If you’re a Marvel fan, you’re going to love this search trick. To use this trick, go to Google and type Thanos into the search bar. When you type, a Gauntlet icon will appear under Biography on the right side. By clicking on this icon, the Google listing will gradually begin to fade away.

Zerg Rush

Zerg Rush is unique among Google’s fun tricks because after attempting it, you will notice a lot of O on the Google page. To use this trick, go to Google and type zerg rush into the search bar, then click on the I’m Feeling Lucky link provided below. Following that, the Google page will open, and some O will gradually appear, falling from top to bottom.


If you use this trick, you will not be able to directly access the Google page. Yes, it must be strange to think, but it is true. To try this trick, go to Google and type Askew into the search box, then click the search button. The Google page will appear slightly tilted after you click.

How to search on Google effectively

Google Search Tricks: Allintitle

When used with the keywords with ‘allintitle:’ in start then Google filters out all the result that has your keyword or keywords in the post title. If you are searching for a long-tail keyword then all words will be present in the title however, the sequence may vary.

Google Search Tricks
Google Search Tricks

Double Quotes Results

Double Quotes Results is a technique to find the exact keyword in the content. Here the keyword is present in the post as it is if the keyword contains multiple words and the sequence is as you searched.

Google Search Tricks
Google Search Tricks


If you want to find a specific word or phrase in any website’s URL then this method will do it for you. You just have to type “allinurl:keyword” (replace the keyword with your word) in the search bar and hit enter.

Google will show you the results of websites that are using the specific keyword in their URL.

Search in a specific website

If you want to search for a specific article or image from a particular website then this step will help you. For example, you want to know about Pamela Anderson and from New York Times then type “Pamela Anderson” in the search bar and hit the enter button.

Similarly, if you want images of a particular thing from a specific website then you can use the same command in Google Images.

Google Search Tricks
Google Search Tricks


Every day we need a calculator to calculate anything. In such a situation, if you are not getting a computer calculator on your laptop, then there is nothing to worry about. You go to Google search and search just by typing calculator, you will get a complete calculator and that too scientific one.

Google Search Tricks
Google Search Tricks

Numbers to word

Every day we have to write numbers in Word while writing a letter or preparing a document. This work is needed the most when we are writing an account of money.

But if you are having trouble converting that number to whats, you do not understand, then there is a very simple and easy solution for this too. You go to Google and write your number, even after that give the ‘=’ symbol and write it in English, your number will be converted into words.

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Download any file for free

If you want to download a movie or file and don’t want it and in any spammy website where you get only spammy links in the name of the file or movie, then Google can help you in this.

You have to write the name of your file on Google search and write Google Drive by giving space. If anyone has saved your file on Google Drive, then you will get it to download.

Related website

If you have a favorite website on which you visit regularly, but its contact is not updating as fast and you want to see the list of more such websites in front of you, then Google will help you in this.

For this, it is simple to open Google on your browser and after that, you have to write related and semi column and after that write the name of your website.

So all the websites that are related to that website should be shown by Google.

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If you want to get information about the current or future weather of any city, then simply go to your Google search and type the weather and then the name of that city and Google will give you complete information.

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Currency converter

If you want to convert any currency to another currency then you go to google search and after convert type your original currency and its amount and after to write your currency symbol and it will be converted.

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If you want to know the current time of any city, then you write the time on your Google search and after the space, write the name of that city, Google will tell you the exit time of that city.

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Books SearchFind books or authors directly from Google search results.books by George Orwell
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Weather ComparisonCompare the weather between two New York vs London
Find Specific Videos (videos:)Search for videos related to your query.videos:how to tie a tie
Allintext:Search for all keywords within the body of the page content.allintext:best practices for SEO
Allintitle:Search for all keywords within the page title.allintitle:best SEO techniques
Allinurl:Search for all keywords within the URL of the webpage.allinurl:healthy recipes
Music SearchGet details about a song or music album from Google search.Taylor Swift latest album
Population SearchFind the population of any country or city using Google search.population of India
Time Zone SearchFind the time zone of any location.time zone of Tokyo
Convert Time ZonesConvert times between different time zones.10 AM PST to EST
Google Books PreviewSearch for a book in Google Books and preview pages if books:1984 George Orwell
Movie Showtimes SearchSearch for movie showtimes in your area.showtimes for Inception near me
Find Specific Places (place:)Use Google to find a specific place near near me
Search for Patents (patent:)Search for patents directly from Google.patent:Tesla
Hashtags Search (#)Search for specific hashtags being used in social media discussions.#WorldCup
LinkedIn SearchSearch for profiles on John Smith
Twitter SearchSearch for tweets from specific users or on specific Tesla news
Maps SearchFind maps or routes directly on Google search.New York to Chicago driving directions
Emoji SearchGoogle can also search for emojis.smiling face emoji
Event SearchSearch for events happening near near me this weekend
Distance SearchFind the distance between two places.distance between Paris and Berlin
Search for Forum DiscussionsSearch for results within forum discussions.inurl:forum apple iPhone issue
Time Since EventFind how much time has passed since a specific event.time since 2020 Olympics
“vs” SearchCompare two entities (like products, people, or cities) with the “vs” operator.iPhone 14 vs Samsung Galaxy S23
Exact Match in URLFind pages where the keyword appears exactly in the URL.inurl:"recipe for cheesecake"
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Calories in Food SearchLook up the number of calories in a specific food item.calories in apple
Translate Foreign TextQuickly translate text by typing or pasting it in Google search.translate "bonjour" to English
Map Distance MeasurementGet precise distances between two points on a map.distance between New York and Boston
Google Search Tricks

More Google Search Tricks

Quotation Marks (“”)Search for an exact phrase or sentence."best coffee shops in New York"
Dash (-)Exclude certain words from the search -fruit (excludes fruit from apple search)
Site Search (site:)Search within a specific website or Leonardo da Vinci
Filetype Search (filetype:)Search for specific file types like PDF, DOC, PPT, etc.filetype:pdf data science guide
Wildcard Search (*)Use an asterisk to find variations of a phrase or to fill in unknown words."best * of 2023"
Related Sites (related:)Find websites related to a specific
Cache Search (cache:)View Google’s cached version of a
Define a Word (define:)Get the definition of a word directly from Google search.define:serendipity
Number Range (..) SearchSearch for a range of numbers.laptops $500..$1000
OR OperatorSearch for one term or another.cats OR dogs
Intitle:Search for keywords in the title of a webpage.intitle:resume templates
Inurl:Search for keywords in the URL of a webpage.inurl:recipe chocolate cake
AROUND OperatorSearch for two terms that are near each other within a certain number of words."artificial intelligence" AROUND(5) future
Weather SearchGet current weather for any New York
Time SearchFind the current time in a city.time in Tokyo
ConversionsConvert measurements and currency directly from the search bar.100 USD to EUR or 5 feet to meters
CalculatorPerform math calculations in the search bar.250 * 5 + 10
TimerSet a timer or stopwatch.set timer for 10 minutes
Stocks SearchLook up stock prices by entering the stock symbol.AAPL stock
Movie SearchFind information about movies by using the movie
Sports ScoresGet live scores for sports events.Manchester United score
Map SearchSearch for places and locations directly on Google of cafes near me
Flight Status SearchTrack flight status by entering the flight number.flight AI102 status
TranslateUse Google search to translate words or phrases.translate hello to Spanish
News SearchGet the latest news headlines.latest news on elections
Unit Conversion (temperature, etc.)Convert between units of measurement.convert 100 Fahrenheit to Celsius
Google Search Tricks
Search by ImageUse Google Image search to find similar images.Click on the camera icon in Google Images
Reverse Image SearchUpload an image or paste the URL to find its source or similar images.Go to Google Images and use the camera icon
Zerg Rush Easter EggPlay the Zerg Rush game in Google Search.zerg rush
Tilt Easter EggTilt the Google search page.tilt or askew
Atari Breakout Easter EggPlay Atari Breakout in Google Image Search.Search for Atari Breakout in Google Images
Google Search Tricks