So can you or anyone see who has voted in the Twitter poll? Is it possible and what are Twitter pools by the way.
Twitter has always distinguished itself as a social network in which interactions are presented in chronological order, and for some time it has been possible to create surveys with a variety of questions for followers to answer.
You can participate in a Twitter poll in a variety of ways, including tweeting questions that can be correctly recorded for each of the responses, calculating these votes through hashtags, or asking each of your followers to opt-in. Using either an RT or an AFV.
In addition, you can create a survey with up to four response options using a text box where you can write a Tweet, and it will be active for up to 24 hours.
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Is it possible to see who has voted in the Twitter poll?
Twitter surveys can be completed between 5 minutes and 7 days after they are published. It can, however, vary depending on the duration set by the person who tweeted it.
The winning option will be highlighted in bold, and those who participate will be able to receive a “push” notification with the survey’s final results.
And if you want to know who voted in your survey, we have to tell you that this will not be possible because Twitter will not show who participated because it is stated in Twitter’s policies that these surveys are completely anonymous.
Though you can find the total number of users who participated in the poll. The number of votes is mentioned just below the poll window.
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Twitter polls have some interesting features.
If, after learning about this aspect, you continue to encourage yourself to conduct surveys on your Twitter profile, we will present you with some noteworthy features of them:
- It is available in mobile applications for the most recent versions of Android and iOS devices.
- They can be very interactive, and they can be tailored to your preferences.
- They are anonymous and protect the privacy of those who use them.
- This is how we made you aware of the most outstanding features of Twitter surveys; while it is impossible to know which specific user participated in it, they are still an excellent option for generating many more interactions.