If you want to chat with friends who have phone numbers from other countries, then this is how to add international number to Whatsapp.
The mobile phone enabled us to avoid having to find a phone booth, but the smartphone has been the true catalyst for the greatest social change that humanity has seen. The mobile has laid the groundwork for the birth of apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram, which have connected the world and broken down borders.
Today, it is rare to have friends from other countries, but did you know that in order to add their numbers to WhatsApp, you must first enter the country code?
Read- How to add someone on Whatsapp without phone number
How to add international number to WhatsApp
Calling a phone number from outside of India is not as simple as it appears. We must consider the so-called international telephone prefixes: When making an international call, we must first dial the country code, then the regional code, and finally the phone number we wish to contact.
All country codes begin with 00, but these zeros are sometimes shown with (+) in front of the international prefix. For example, if we were to enter a number from the United States, the country code, “001,” would be displayed on the phone as “+1′′.
When dialing from India, first dial 00, then the prefix of the country you want to call, and finally the phone number. In the case of WhatsApp, you must do the following to add a phone number from another country:
Go to your phone’s contact book
When you add the contact’s phone number, start by including the plus symbol (+).
Enter the country code followed by the full phone number.
To make it clearer, here are a some of examples:
If the contact is in the United States (country code “1”) and has the area code “470” (Atlanta Metropolitan) and the phone number “418-1234”, you must enter +14704181234.
If the contact is in the UK (country code “44”) and the phone number is “07711 400666”, you should remove the “0” from the beginning and enter +447711400666.
If you are in the USA and want to save the number of your friend who is in India for WhatsApp then you have to put the country code of India which is +91 before his mobile number.
According to WhatsApp, you must make sure to remove the 0 or special calling codes at the beginning of the number. If you want to add a local phone number (from your country) to your contact book, enter the number as if you were calling that contact by phone. Besides:
All phone numbers from Argentina (country code “54”) must have a “9” between the country code and the area code. The “15” prefix must be removed so that the final number has 13 digits in total: +54 9 xxx xxx xxxx
Phone numbers from Mexico (country code “52”) must include a “1” after the “+52”, even if they are from Nextel.
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Here is the full list of country codes that might help you save numbers from different countries. So this was the full process of how to add international number to whatsapp.
Afganistán | 93 |
Alaska | 1 |
Albania | 355 |
Alemania | 49 |
Andorra | 376 |
Angola | 244 |
Anguilla | 1264 |
Antigua y Barbuda | 1268 |
Antillas Holandesas | 599 |
Arabia Saudí | 966 |
Argelia | 213 |
Argentina | 54 |
Armenia | 374 |
Aruba | 297 |
Ascensión | 247 |
Australia | 61 |
Austria | 43 |
Autoridad Palestina | 970 |
Azerbaiyán | 994 |
Bahamas | 1242 |
Bahrein | 973 |
Bangladesh | 880 |
Barbados | 1246 |
Bélgica | 32 |
Belize | 501 |
Benín | 229 |
Bermudas | 1441 |
Bhután | 975 |
Bielorrusia | 375 |
Bolivia | 591 |
Bosnia | 387 |
Botswana | 267 |
Brasil | 55 |
Brunei | 673 |
Bulgaria | 359 |
Burkina Faso | 226 |
Burundi | 257 |
Cabo Verde | 238 |
Caimán, Islas | 1345 |
Camboya | 855 |
Camerún | 237 |
Canadá | 1 |
Centroafricana,República | 236 |
Chad | 235 |
Checa, República | 420 |
Chile | 56 |
China | 86 |
Chipre | 357 |
Colombia | 57 |
Comores | 269 |
Congo – Brazzaville | 242 |
Congo, Rep. Dem.(Zaire) | 243 |
Cook, Islas | 682 |
Corea del Norte | 850 |
Corea del Sur | 82 |
Costa de Marfil | 225 |
Costa Rica | 506 |
Croacia | 385 |
Cuba | 53 |
Diego García | 246 |
Dinamarca | 45 |
Dominica | 1767 |
Dominicana, República | 1809 |
Ecuador | 593 |
Egipto | 20 |
El Salvador | 503 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos | 971 |
Eritrea | 291 |
Eslovaquia | 421 |
Eslovenia | 386 |
España | 34 |
Estados Unidos | 1 |
Estonia | 372 |
Etiopía | 251 |
Feroe, Islas | 298 |
Fidji | 679 |
Filipinas | 63 |
Finlandia | 358 |
Francia | 33 |
Gabón | 241 |
Gambia | 220 |
Georgia | 995 |
Ghana | 233 |
Gibraltar | 350 |
Granada | 1473 |
Grecia | 30 |
Groenlandia | 299 |
Guadalupe | 590 |
Guam | 1671 |
Guatemala | 502 |
Guayana Francesa | 594 |
Guinea Bissau | 245 |
Guinea Ecuatorial | 240 |
Guinea, República | 224 |
Guyana | 592 |
Haití | 509 |
Hawai | 1 |
Honduras | 504 |
Hong Kong | 852 |
Hungría | 36 |
India | 91 |
Indonesia | 62 |
Irán | 98 |
Iraq | 964 |
Irlanda | 353 |
Islandia | 354 |
Israel | 972 |
Italia | 39 |
Jamaica | 1876 |
Japón | 81 |
Jordania | 962 |
Kazajstán | 7 |
Kenia | 254 |
Kirguizistán | 996 |
Kiribati | 686 |
Kuwait | 965 |
Laos | 856 |
Lesotho | 266 |
Letonia | 371 |
Líbano | 961 |
Liberia | 231 |
Libia | 218 |
Liechtenstein | 423 |
Lituania | 370 |
Luxemburgo | 352 |
Macao | 853 |
Macedonia | 389 |
Madagascar | 26120 |
Malasia | 60 |
Malawi | 265 |
Maldivas | 960 |
Mali | 223 |
Malta | 356 |
Malvinas | 500 |
Marianas, Islas | 1670 |
Marruecos | 212 |
Marshall, Islas | 692 |
Martinica | 596 |
Mauricio | 230 |
Mauritania | 222 |
Mayotte | 269 |
México | 52 |
Micronesia | 691 |
Moldavia | 373 |
Mónaco | 377 |
Mongolia | 976 |
Montserrat | 1664 |
Mozambique | 258 |
Myanmar | 95 |
Namibia | 264 |
Nauru | 674 |
Nepal | 977 |
Nicaragua | 505 |
Níger | 227 |
Nigeria | 234 |
Niue | 683 |
Noruega | 47 |
Nueva Caledonia | 687 |
Nueva Zelanda | 64 |
Omán | 968 |
Países Bajos | 31 |
Pakistán | 92 |
Palau | 680 |
Panamá | 507 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea | 675 |
Paraguay | 595 |
Perú | 51 |
Polinesia Francesa | 689 |
Polonia | 48 |
Portugal | 351 |
Puerto Rico | 1787 |
Qatar | 974 |
Reino Unido | 44 |
Rep. Dem. del Congo (Zaire) | 243 |
República Centroafricana | 236 |
República Checa | 42 |
República Dominicana | 1809 |
Reunión | 262 |
Ruanda | 250 |
Rumanía | 40 |
Rusia | 7 |
Salomón | 677 |
Samoa Americana | 684 |
Samoa Occidental | 685 |
San Cristóbal y Nevis | 1869 |
San Marino | 378 |
San Pedro y Miquelón | 508 |
San Vicente y Granadinas | 1784 |
Santa Elena | 290 |
Santa Lucía | 1758 |
Santo Tomé y Príncipe | 239 |
Senegal | 221 |
Seychelles, Islas | 248 |
Sierra Leona | 232 |
Singapur | 65 |
Siria | 963 |
Somalia | 252 |
Sri-Lanka | 94 |
Sudáfrica | 27 |
Sudán | 249 |
Suecia | 46 |
Suiza | 41 |
Surinam | 597 |
Swazilandia | 268 |
Tadzhikistán | 992 |
Tailandia | 66 |
Taiwan | 886 |
Tanzania | 255 |
Territorios Ext. Australia | 672 |
Togo | 228 |
Tonga | 676 |
Trinidad y Tobago | 1868 |
Túnez | 216 |
Turkmenistán | 993 |
Turks y Caicos | 1649 |
Turquía | 90 |
Tuvalu | 688 |
Ucrania | 380 |
Uganda | 256 |
Uruguay | 598 |
Uzbekistán | 998 |
Vanuatu | 678 |
Vaticano | 39 |
Venezuela | 58 |
Vietnam | 84 |
Vírgenes Americanas Islas | 1340 |
Vírgenes Británicas, Islas | 1284 |
Wallis y Futuna | 681 |
Yemen | 967 |
Yibuti | 253 |
Yugoslavia | 381 |
Zaire (Rep.Dem.Congo) | 243 |
Zambia | 260 |
Zimbabwe | 263 |