How to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing

How to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing or noticing that you have left the group. There is no setting provided by Whatsapp officials to be invisible in a group but there is a trick.

How to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing

We’re going to talk about how you can leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing. This is something that many users may want for those WhatsApp conversations that are bothering them for whatever reason, or for groups that have already lost their interest.

We will begin the article by explaining to you to what extent it is truly possible to leave a group in this manner, and I can already tell you that if you had the intention of being able to do so, I have very bad news for you. Then, we’ll walk you through the process of doing the next best thing to leaving a group.

Is it possible to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing?

Let us begin by stating the obvious. It is now impossible to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing. When you leave a group, the remaining members will always see a message informing them that you have left, and there is currently no way to prevent this from happening.

The closest you can get is to first mute a WhatsApp group so that notifications when someone writes to you stop, and then archive it so that it does not appear on the main screen. This is the method we will teach you step by step later, but you will be ignoring the group rather than leaving it.

It is critical that you consider how far you really need to leave the group. If it is necessary, you should be aware that other users will be aware of it, and if you do not notify anyone, it may appear that a slam has occurred. Keep that in mind before acting rashly.

So, if you really need to leave the conversation, it’s best to say so, even if you’re just making up an excuse. It will be preferable to abandon it if you are surrounded by familiar people. However, if you leave a group where no one writes for months, nothing will happen, and no one will be surprised.

If leaving is not an option, ignoring and archiving the group may suffice in most cases. You won’t get notifications or anything when someone talks here, even if they’re mentioning you in the conversation and you’re not aware of it. Of course, by not abandoning it, you can always return and review what has been written.

So how to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing

Muting and archiving a group is the best alternative to leaving it.

To begin, open WhatsApp and navigate to the group you want to leave. Once inside, click on the group name that appears at the top of the chat.

This will take you to the group’s information page. Simply select the Silence Notifications option from the menu. You’re telling WhatsApp that you don’t want to receive notifications about this group when you do this.

This will bring up a window in which you can specify how long you want to mute group notifications for. In there, select Always and deactivate the Show notifications option. As a result, you will not receive notifications or appear in the message list.

After that, return to the main WhatsApp Chats screen and press and hold the group’s name until it is selected. When you’ve done that, click the Archive button, which will appear at the top right with a box icon with a downward arrow.

Finally, you must enter the WhatsApp settings.

how to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing

Enter the Chats section and enable the ‘Keep chats archived’ option. As a result, when someone writes in an archived group, it will not be unarchived.

how to leave a whatsapp group without anyone knowing

Your group will no longer be visible on the main chat screen, and you will have to enter the Archived section that will appear above everything to find it. It’s not quite the same as leaving the group, but it’s the next best thing.


So this was How to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing. Though it is not technically the exact thing as it should be but it solves the purpose.

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