500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Here is a Microsoft Excel sheet for practice and day-to-day use which will help you reduce your working time and make work enjoyable.

This list provides 500+ of the most useful Excel shortcut keys categorized by function, giving you a vast range of quick operations to streamline your work in Excel.

500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Below is a detailed collection of Excel shortcut keys, thoughtfully organized into categories for easier navigation:

General Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + NCreate a new workbook
Ctrl + OOpen an existing workbook
Ctrl + SSave the workbook
F12Open the Save As dialog box
Ctrl + WClose the workbook
Ctrl + CCopy the selected cells
Ctrl + XCut the selected cells
Ctrl + VPaste the copied/cut data
Ctrl + POpen the Print dialog box
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action
Ctrl + FOpen the Find dialog box
Ctrl + HOpen the Replace dialog box
Ctrl + ASelect the entire worksheet
Ctrl + BApply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl + IApply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl + UApply or remove underline formatting
Alt + EnterStart a new line within a cell
F2Edit the active cell
EscCancel an entry in the cell
Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column
Shift + SpaceSelect the entire row
Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Navigation Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl + EndMove to the last cell with data
Page UpMove one screen up
Page DownMove one screen down
Alt + Page UpMove one screen left
Alt + Page DownMove one screen right
Arrow KeysMove one cell in the direction of the arrow
Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove to the edge of the data region
Ctrl + GOpen the Go To dialog box
F5Open the Go To dialog box
Ctrl + BackspaceShow the active cell in the worksheet

Data Entry and Editing Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + ;Enter the current date
Ctrl + Shift + ;Enter the current time
Ctrl + DFill the data down
Ctrl + RFill the data to the right
Ctrl + EnterFill the selected cells with the current entry
Ctrl + ‘Copy the value from the cell above
Shift + F2Insert or edit a comment
Ctrl + –Delete cells, rows, or columns
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Insert new cells, rows, or columns
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand or collapse the formula bar
Ctrl + Shift + LApply or remove filters
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink

Formula Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + =Insert the AutoSum formula
Ctrl + `Toggle between displaying formulas and values
F9Calculate the worksheet
Shift + F9Calculate the active worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + F9Recheck dependent formulas and recalculate
Ctrl + A (in a formula)Open the Function Arguments dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + EnterEnter an array formula
F3Paste a defined name into a formula
Shift + F3Open the Insert Function dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand/collapse the formula bar
Alt + M, UOpen the formula auditing tools

Selection and Formatting Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeyExtend the selection to the last cell in the direction
Shift + Arrow KeySelect one cell in the direction of the arrow
Ctrl + Shift + HomeExtend the selection to the first cell
Ctrl + Shift + EndExtend the selection to the last used cell
Ctrl + 1Open the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply currency format
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + #Apply date format
Ctrl + Shift + @Apply time format
Ctrl + Shift + &Add borders
Ctrl + Shift + _Remove borders
Alt + E, S, VPaste special values
Ctrl + TCreate a table
Ctrl + LOpen the Create Table dialog box

PivotTable and Chart Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + N, VInsert a PivotTable
Alt + J, T, FMove to the PivotTable Tools
Alt + F1Create an embedded chart from the selected data
F11Create a chart in a new worksheet
Ctrl + F1Show or hide the ribbon
Alt + J, C, EEdit chart format
Alt + J, C, AChange the chart type

File and Workbook Management Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + TabSwitch between open workbooks
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous workbook
Ctrl + NCreate a new workbook
Ctrl + OOpen an existing workbook
Ctrl + WClose the active workbook
Ctrl + F4Close the Excel window
Ctrl + SSave the current workbook
F12Open the Save As dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + SSave all open workbooks
500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Special Functions Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + EnterStart a new line in the same cell
Ctrl + Shift + LApply/remove a filter
Ctrl + Shift + OSelect cells with comments
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand or collapse the formula bar
Ctrl + 9Hide the selected rows
Ctrl + Shift + 9Unhide hidden rows
Ctrl + 0Hide the selected columns
Ctrl + Shift + 0Unhide hidden columns
**Ctrl + Shift + ***Select the current region
500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Date and Time Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + ;Insert the current date
Ctrl + Shift + ;Insert the current time
Ctrl + Shift + :Insert the current time
Ctrl + Alt + ;Insert the date as a static value

Macro Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + F8Open the Macro dialog box
Alt + F11Open the Visual Basic for Applications editor
Ctrl + Shift + F8Run a specific macro
Alt + F8Run a macro
Ctrl + F8Resize the Excel window

Here are additional Excel shortcuts to further enhance productivity:

Cell and Worksheet Manipulation Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + H + I + RInsert a new row
Alt + H + I + CInsert a new column
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Insert a new cell, row, or column
Alt + H + D + RDelete the selected row
Alt + H + D + CDelete the selected column
Ctrl + Shift + “-“Delete the selected cells
Ctrl + 5Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Ctrl + Alt + V + TPaste formats only
Ctrl + Alt + V + FPaste formulas only
Ctrl + Alt + V + XPaste comments and notes only
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen the Font tab in the Format Cells dialog box
Alt + H + B + OAdd a bottom border to the selected cell
500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

Advanced Selection Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSelect the entire table or PivotTable
Ctrl + A (in a table)Select the entire data range in a table
**Ctrl + Shift + * **Select the entire current region
Ctrl + Shift + TSelect the entire Excel table
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSelect the entire worksheet
Shift + F8Add another range of cells to the selection

Navigation and Window Management Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + F6Switch between open Excel windows
Ctrl + F10Maximize or restore the window
Ctrl + Shift + F6Move to the previous Excel window
Ctrl + TabMove to the next workbook
Ctrl + Shift + TabMove to the previous workbook
Ctrl + F9Minimize the workbook window
Alt + W + QZoom into a specific percentage of the worksheet

Formatting and Styling Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Shift + ~Apply General number format
Ctrl + Shift + 1Apply Number format with two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + 4Apply Currency format
Ctrl + Shift + 5Apply Percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + 6Apply Scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + 8Select the current region in a worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + “^”Apply Exponential/Scientific formatting

Text Manipulation Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + E + S + TPaste text formats only
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand/collapse the formula bar
Ctrl + Shift + AInsert function arguments
Ctrl + Shift + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + POpen the Font size selector in the ribbon

Error Checking and Debugging Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + M + A + ATrace all precedents
Alt + M + A + DTrace all dependents
Alt + M + XRemove all arrows (precedents/dependents)
Alt + M + EEvaluate a formula
F4Repeat the last action (e.g., repeat formatting)

Working with Tables and Filters

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + D + F + FApply or remove a filter
Alt + D + SSort the data in ascending order
Alt + D + TSort the data in descending order
Alt + D + FTurn filters on or off
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle filters on or off

Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
AltActivate the ribbon
Alt + F10Display the selection pane
Alt + H + F + IIncrease the font size
Alt + H + F + MDecrease the font size
Alt + H + HOpen the fill color menu
Alt + H + A + CCenter align the selected text
Alt + H + A + LAlign the selected text to the left

Conclusion for Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice

These additional shortcuts provide more specialized controls and improve the efficiency of working with Excel spreadsheets across various tasks. So this was 500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice and self-enhancement while working.

You can even automate Google search from a long keyword list for your work or other job if you want to know how then read it here.

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