300+ Microsoft Project Shortcuts To Drastically Reduce Your Worktime

In this post, I will give you 300+ Microsoft Project shortcuts to reduce your working time and increase productivity.

Microsoft project shortcuts

Microsoft Project Shortcuts

What is MS Project

Microsoft Project is a versatile project management software designed to help individuals and teams plan, execute, and track the progress of their projects efficiently. It serves as a digital blueprint for managing tasks, resources, timelines, and budgets all in one place, allowing project managers to visualize the full scope of their work. With its rich array of tools, users can create detailed project schedules, set milestones, assign resources, and monitor the project’s health in real time.

Imagine you’re in charge of constructing a new office building. From gathering materials to managing contractors and adhering to deadlines, this project involves numerous tasks and dependencies. Microsoft Project allows you to break down this complex endeavor into manageable pieces. You can outline each phase of the construction—foundation, framing, electrical work, interior design—and assign the right personnel and resources for each step.

Using a Gantt chart, you can visually represent the entire project timeline, setting key milestones such as “Foundation Completed” or “Interior Finishing Begins.” Should one task, such as material delivery, get delayed, Microsoft Project will automatically adjust the subsequent tasks based on dependencies, giving you an updated picture of how the project timeline is affected.

Furthermore, the software provides a way to allocate resources like labor or equipment, ensuring that you’re not overloading any team member or piece of machinery. For instance, if multiple contractors are assigned to various tasks on overlapping dates, the system will notify you, preventing scheduling conflicts and ensuring efficient use of your workforce.

In short, Microsoft Project not only helps map out what needs to be done but also provides the tools to monitor the execution, giving project managers a clear path from the initial concept to the final completion of any project.

300+ Microsoft Project Shortcuts

Here is an extensive list of Microsoft Project shortcut keys, divided into categories to help navigate various tasks:

General Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + NCreate a new project
Ctrl + OOpen an existing project
Ctrl + SSave the current project
Ctrl + PPrint the project
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action
Ctrl + CCopy selected tasks
Ctrl + VPaste copied tasks
Ctrl + XCut selected tasks
Ctrl + ASelect all tasks
Ctrl + FOpen the Find dialog box
Ctrl + HOpen the Replace dialog box
F1Open Help
Alt + F4Close the Microsoft Project application
Microsoft project shortcuts

Task Management Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
InsertInsert a new task above the current task
Ctrl + Shift + F2Insert a new task below the current task
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new recurring task
Ctrl + DDisplay Task Information dialog box
Alt + Shift + F10Move to the next task in the Task Inspector
Alt + Shift + F11Move to the previous task in the Task Inspector
Alt + EnterOpen the Task Details dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Insert a new subtask
Ctrl + Shift + “-“Remove a subtask
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowIndent a task
Alt + Shift + Left ArrowOutdent a task
F3Delete selected tasks

Navigation Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
TabMove to the next field
Shift + TabMove to the previous field
Ctrl + HomeMove to the first task or resource
Ctrl + EndMove to the last task or resource
Alt + Page DownScroll one screen down
Alt + Page UpScroll one screen up
Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove one cell in the arrow’s direction
Ctrl + GOpen the Go To dialog box
Ctrl + F5Refresh the project display

Formatting Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + BApply bold formatting to selected text
Ctrl + IApply italic formatting to selected text
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size
Ctrl + Shift + LAdd or remove a list style
Ctrl + 1Open Task Information dialog box
Ctrl + 2Open the Task Information dialog box

View Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Shift + F3Open the Timescale dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + TDisplay the Timeline view
Alt + F5Toggle between the Gantt Chart and the Network Diagram
Ctrl + Shift + GOpen the Gantt Chart view
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen the Network Diagram view
Ctrl + Shift + WOpen the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) view
Ctrl + Shift + COpen the Calendar view
Ctrl + Shift + ROpen the Resource Sheet view
F8Zoom in/out on a view

Scheduling and Timeline Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Shift + F2Display the Project Information dialog box
Alt + Shift + +Expand the selected summary task
Alt + Shift + –Collapse the selected summary task
Alt + F10Display the Task Inspector
Ctrl + TShow/hide the Timeline pane
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl + DDuplicate selected task(s)
F9Recalculate the entire project schedule
Shift + F9Recalculate the selected task
F6Move between the Timeline and Gantt Chart view

Resource Management Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + F10Open Resource Information dialog box
Ctrl + RAssign resources to selected tasks
Ctrl + Shift + F6Open the Resource Usage view
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowIncrease resource allocation for a task
Alt + Shift + Left ArrowDecrease resource allocation for a task
F2Edit resource names
Ctrl + Shift + F5Show overallocated resources
Alt + Shift + F7Move between resource usage views
Alt + R + AAdd new resources

Reports and Analysis Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Shift + RGenerate a report
Ctrl + Shift + F1Open the Visual Reports dialog box
Alt + V + PPrint a visual report
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy a report to clipboard
Alt + N + RInsert a custom report
Alt + V + DDisplay the project data analysis dialog

Collaboration and Communication Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + Shift + MShare the project with others
Ctrl + Shift + MSend the project via email
Ctrl + Shift + UUpload the project to SharePoint
Alt + Shift + SSync with SharePoint
Ctrl + F3Add a project note
Ctrl + Shift + F3Add a task note

Field and Data Entry Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
F2Edit the selected field
Ctrl + ;Insert the current date
Ctrl + Shift + :Insert the current time
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSelect the entire column
Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire row
Ctrl + –Delete selected tasks
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste values only
Alt + F8Insert a comment
Ctrl + F2Preview the project before printing

Macros and Customization Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + F8Open the Macro dialog box
Alt + F11Open the Visual Basic editor
Ctrl + Shift + F8Run a specific macro
Alt + F11Record a new macro
Ctrl + Shift + PCustomize the ribbon
Ctrl + Shift + AAdd a new custom field
microsoft project shortcuts

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + Shift + DDisplay the project start and finish dates
Ctrl + EEdit the selected task
Ctrl + Shift + TToggle Task Inspector on/off
Ctrl + Shift + POpen the Project Options dialog box
Alt + Shift + QDisplay critical path tasks
microsoft project shortcuts

Conclusion for Microsoft Project shortcuts

In conclusion, mastering Microsoft Project shortcuts can significantly enhance productivity and streamline project management tasks. By integrating these shortcuts into daily workflows, users can navigate the software more efficiently, manage tasks with precision, and focus on delivering successful outcomes. Whether adjusting timelines, allocating resources, or generating reports, these time-saving commands empower project managers to maintain control over complex projects with ease and agility. With the right knowledge of these shortcuts, managing even the most intricate project plans becomes a more intuitive and seamless experience.

You can also check out 500+ Microsoft Excel Sheet For Practice.

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